About Me

Hi! I hope you don’t mind me talking a bit much about myself for a while, and you can get to know me a little better.

My name is Tacita-Simone and I was born in July in Africa. I’m fifteen, tall, and pale. My eyes are blue and my hair is dark blond, but I guess  that’s irrelevant, so let’s get to the real stuff.

I suppose many of you might’ve been wondering, why Tigerlily? Here’s the story, friends: I was a little girl (ah, it alway starts there) when a schoolteacher was talking about me to a friend or colleague and told her how I was always in my own world. When the other lady suggested that I was like Wendy who escaped with Peter Pan to Neverland, my teacher said that it’s nothing like that: I’m more like Princess Tiger Lily.

I don’t ‘visit Neverland’ every now and then, or need anybody else to take me to my happy place. I own that place. It’s my kingdom, my home. I’m there all of the the time.

Though I might not have understood that at the time, I do now. And I guess that kind of stuck. So welcome to Neverland, folks!

Anyway, as you might have figured, I’m imaginitave, creative, and a little too strange sometimes to be understood. I like drawing, painting, reading, writing, making movies and meeting people. I like travel, and of course, good food. I like starting trends rather than following them. I write and play and sing songs and create thingymabobbies for fun.

I started this blog in the new year 2015, and I hope to share my stories, poems, songs, ideas, recipes, and thoughts with you for a while longer.

Bisou, bisou, Tacita.

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